Contact Us & Connect with our Social Media
Get Connected!
We currently only have 1 phone line with no directory at this time. This means that Education related calls will be filtered through the Medical Center (where interns are trained to answer immediately if possible). Please bear with us at this time and when you may be placed on hold.
Contact Us
Active Daily 8am - 4pm
A detailed voicemail will play at end of calls after hours with a variety of advice and instructions.
ECWR Wildlife Hotline
Sick, Injured of Orphaned Wildlife
1 - 855 - 787 - 2631
Active 24/7
Please call for stranded Marine Mammals or Sea Turtles, alive or deceased, and/or odd marine mammal behaviors.
Stranded Marine Mammals
Stranded Marine Mammals of Sea Turtles (Alive or Deceased)
Active Daily 8am - 4pm
Or email our Educator, Emma, at Emma@EmeraldCoastWildlifeRefuge.org
Education, Field Trips, or Community Events
Email is the best option for education communication.
Or email our Executive Director, Pascal, at Director@EmeraldCoastWildlifeRefuge.org.
Grants, Fundraising, or Sponsorships
Connect with our Social Media

@Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Our most active social media, follow us on Facebook for updates, rehabilitation patients, unique cases, events, and more!

Up close photos of our rehabilitation patients (orphaned mammals, reptiles, raptors, and more!) and ambassadors!

Check out our ambassador highlights, patient releases,
updates, and more!

Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Tech Talks, Releases, and more!