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Success Stories
Patient Success Stories from 2021 & 2022
Success Stories
This is not a comprehensive list of our successes with our wildlife patients (not event close!). At the end of 2021 and 2022, we picked four interesting cases from the year to highlight.
How do you pick which
cases to highlight?
We try to pick unique stories or firsts to feature. For example, we see a lot of orphaned squirrels, but we've only seen one pelican that swallowed a knife!
Why can't you feature
every success story?
We treat between 1,500 and 2,000 individuals per year. We simply don't have the man-power to put together a profile like the ones below for every animal! Have you brought an animal to us? We can provide you an update. Call or message us on Facebook with your name or the ID # of the animal you brought in!

2021 Patient Success Stories

2022 Patient Success Stories

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